Welcome to “Vision to Value” – V2V Management Solutions. Our company brings together trusted advisors from the hospital and medical practice arena with the sole focus of creating transformational, value-driven change in health care.
Our core purpose and beliefs:
To influence how health care is delivered by improving the operations of the clients we serve, ultimately reducing the cost of care, and improving the patient outcomes one medical organization at a time.
Vision to Value defines our approach. Leading our health care clients to identify the “value” opportunities within each organization, setting them apart in an industry faced with growing competition. In our experience, “value” encompasses much more than reimbursement, and should exist as an organizational imperative across all points of the medical practice regardless of structure, ownership or affiliation. From operational efficiency to the customer experience, “value” should be embraced as the standard, from the front desk, to the clinical teams and administration.
To get to the heart of transformational change, you need an impartial external resource able to identify core challenges and implement solutions that improve the functionality of the medical practice. While value management has been used successfully in other industries, we’ve retooled the approach to successfully engage all of the stakeholders in your care delivery network: from patients to the doctors that serve them, trustees, and even payers. We help our clients manage to increased levels of value across this complex continuum.
That is why V2V Management Solutions was founded. We are change catalysts driving health care innovation. We are here to help reimagine the business of care delivery across your organization. We leverage what you do best, while fostering improvements that help your medical organizations stay competitive in a changing market.